What is a Casino?

Casino is a gambling establishment where patrons can bet on games of chance, including roulette, poker, blackjack, craps and more. These establishments often offer free or discounted food and drinks to those who gamble the most money. They may also provide free hotel rooms, show tickets and limo service to big gamblers. The etymology of the word casino dates back to Italy, where it was used for small clubhouses where Italians met for social occasions.

Casinos have a built-in advantage, or “house edge,” over the players, which is designed to ensure that they will always win more money than they lose. This is a fact that gamblers should understand before they start playing. They aren’t charitable organizations giving away money; they are businesses that need to make a profit.

Casinos are heavily guarded to prevent cheating, theft and other violations of the rules of their games. They use sophisticated surveillance systems and monitor games themselves through computerized systems. For example, betting chips have microcircuitry that enables casinos to monitor exactly how much is being wagered on each game minute by minute and warn them of any statistical deviation from expected results. Video cameras watch every table, change window and doorway, and are adjusted to focus on suspicious patrons. There are also more subtle ways of ensuring security, such as the regular patterns of play at certain games and how the dealer shuffles and deals cards. These regular routines make it easier for casino security to spot a tamper or other irregularity.
